Do you find it had to remember if you have taken your medication? Medication dosages can be confusing, especially if you are taking several medications, although, sometimes even one medication can be tricky to remember, especially if you have to take it multiple times a day.
There are several different words used to describe compliance packaging such as Blister Packs, Bubble Packs and Dosset Packages.
Each package is usually compiled with a one week supply of medication – Monday through to Sunday with different time slots throughout the day for morning, afternoon and evening medication doses. This helps you keep track of when to take your medication and it’s an easy reminder to show you if you have or have not taken your next dose.
Compliance packaging is a wonderful solution for people who:
Talk to your Medicine Centre pharmacist about customized medication compliance packing.
See below a list of Medicine Centre Pharmacies providing Blister Packing:
Abbotsford - Gladwin Pharmacy
Abbotsford - Winmed Pharmacy
Burnaby - Central Park Pharmacy
Duncan - Ingram Clinic Pharmacy
Fort St. John - Fort St. John Pharmacy
Fraser Lake - Fraser Lake Medicine Centre
Kelowna - Andreen's Medicine Centre
Kelowna - Lakeside Medicine Centre
Keremeos - Similkameen Pharmacy
Langley - Fraser Medicine Centre Pharmacy
Langley - Valley Evergreen Pharmacy
Lantzville - Central Drugs - Lantzville
Maple Ridge - Haney Pharmacy
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Beban Plaza
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Brickyard
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Colvile
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Dufferin
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Dunsmuir
Nanaimo - Central Drugs - Pacific Station
New Westminster - Longevity Compounding Pharmacy
New Westminster - West End Medicine Centre
North Delta - Delta Prescriptions
North Delta - Marks Pharmacy
North Vancouver - Northview Compounding Pharmacy
Richmond - Oval Integrative Pharmacy
Richmond - Regency Medicine Centre #2
Surrey - Fraser Heights Pharmacy
Surrey - King George Medic Pharmacy
Surrey - Kroll's Surrey Pharmacy
Surrey - Surlang Medicine Centre Pharmacy
Tumbler Ridge - Tumbler Ridge Pharmacy
Vancouver - Everwell Pharmacy
Vancouver - Kerrisdale Pharmacy
Vancouver - Macdonald's Prescription #2
Vancouver - Macdonald's Prescriptions #3
Vanderhoof - Vanderhoof Medicine Centre
Victoria - Estevan Pharmacy
Victoria - University Heights Pharmacy
White Rock - Better Me Pharmacy
Whitehorse - Medicine Chest Pharmacy - Lambert Street
Whitehorse - Medicine Chest Pharmacy - Ogilvie Street